TCF Refugee Awards – List

There are now four TCF Refugee Awards, each valued at $4,000. In order to apply for any of these awards, the student only needs to fill out one application.

The awards are as follows:

1) The Nicholas Collins Founders Refugee Award

Nick Collins was an active member of the EAL community for over 40 years. He taught at VSB, VCC, and 30 years at Capilano University. Nick was president of BC TEAL (1981-1985) and TESL Canada and chaired BC TEAL and TESOL International Conferences. Nick is a BC TEAL Honourary Lifetime Contributor and a founding member of the TEAL Charitable Foundation. (Source: He originally established this award in 2019 with a $125,000 contribution.

2) The Taiga Galli Memorial Refugee Award

This award was established by the TCF and inspired by Michael Galli, frequent contributor and TEAL Charitable Foundation past president, in memory of his first son, Taiga. For more information on Michael Galli, please click here:

3) The TCF Refugee Award

This award was established and endowed by the TEAL Charitable Foundation itself in response to a perceived need for more support for refugees.

4) The Dr. William McMichael TCF Refugee Award

The TCF’s newest award was spearheaded in the summer of 2023 by Nicholas Collins (see above) in honour of his friend and colleague, Bill McMichael, who had a distinguished career as Coordinator of Language and Literacy Education Program at the UBC Ritsumeikan Academic Exchange Program and served on the UBC Senate for many years. Bill also served on the BC TEAL Board and TESL Canada Board. Bill is a TESL Canada Lifetime Member. (Source:

How to apply: Click here