Nan Poliakoff Memorial Award

Application Deadline

The deadline for the Nan Poliakoff Memorial Award is November 1st of each year. The successful applicant will be notified within six weeks of the application deadline.


The Nan Poliakoff Memorial Award was established in 1998 by her family, colleagues and friends. The award commemorates Nan’s passionate commitment to excellence and her many contributions to the English language profession. The award is valued at up to $2,000 and provides funding to support professional development for an English language educator. The award can be used in the following ways: for attending an English language workshop or course, for attending or presenting at an English language conferences or for developing English language materials.

Please note that only two of the following TCF awards can be won by the same applicant. This applies to the Nan Poliakoff Memorial Award, BC TEAL/ TESOL Award and the Mary Ashworth Scholarship


Applicants will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  1. English language professional experience
  2. Service to the English language community and a member of BC TEAL in good standing
  3. Special consideration will be given to applicants interested in testing, teacher education, or teaching of writing
  4. Special consideration will be given to applicants applying to attend a conference to present a paper, participate in a panel discussion or take part in a symposium
  5. Preference will be given to EAL educators based in British Columbia

Application Requirements

Applicants are required to submit:

  1. A completed application form by November 1st
  2. A curriculum vitae specifying English language professional experience and university studies
  3. A detailed application letter outlining reasons for applying for the award
  4. Two letters of reference attesting to the value of the proposed activity for the applicant and the profession

Disbursement of Funds

Within 12 months of acceptance of the award, except upon receipt of a written request for extension due to unforeseen circumstances, the recipient is required to complete the following before disbursement of funds:

  1. Give a presentation at a BC TEAL Conference or submit an article for the BC TEAL Newsletter or a provincial or national journal or by making your results available online
  2. Submit receipts for expenses incurred to the BC TEAL office for reimbursement

Please be aware that you will be asked if you are receiving funds from another source, such as government grants, scholarships, or awards from other charities or foundations at the time of your receipt submission. Receiving funds from more than one source to cover the same expense is not allowed.

Application Submission

Applications for the Nan Poliakoff Memorial Award must be submitted by November 1st.

Completed online applications will be submitted directly to the TCF at BC TEAL.  If, however, you were unable to upload or copy and paste any required document(s) into this form, please email the document(s) to In the subject line of your email with the documents, include your name and the line, ‘Nan Poliakoff Memorial Award Application documentation.’

The TEAL Charitable Foundation is committed to accessibility. If you are unable to complete the online application, please contact for help.
